How to convert fat into muscle

A lot of people want to turn their fat into muscle .. rumen convert to the belly .. divider and convert Lift your hands to the muscles ... But is this could happen? And that he can .. How you can achieve .. This is what we will be talking about in this thread.
There have been many recent rumors about topics bodybuilding in general .. and numerous sources that you can read the news about the health of them .. so it became a lot of sites you paste rumors about some exercises, for example, or dietary supplements in order to increase the profit of the site.Surely have heard about a dietary supplement or a particular exercise that converts muscle to fat .. Is this true?!

In fact .. this is not possible .. body consists of bones - muscles - fat .. and you can not shift any of its components into something else .. You can not convert the accumulated fat in your body to the muscles .. that's just not possible .

Take for example the abdominal area .. contains the abdominal muscles .. and above these muscles are no fat accumulated them .. If you do abdominal exercises .. only will they strengthen the abdominal muscles and amplified .. Maybe .. but this will not affect the fat layer above it. . exercise targeting muscle and not fat .. so it will not remove the rumen Once you have abdominal exercises.

so, what is the solution ?

If you want to "convert fat into muscle." .. You will have to walk on the paths .. The first way is to burn fat .. The second way is to build muscle .. you must choose one way for several months .. and then choose the second path ..

For example .. If you have a large amount of fat .. First Make a balanced diet that contains the right amount of protein .. medium amount of useful carbohydrates .. small amount of useful fat .. and do aerobics in general (they help you burn more calories) .. and continued on it until you reach the relatively low percentage of fat .. and then follow a special diet to build muscle .. and certainly, do muscle building exercises to get the desired result.

Hence, we understand that the process of converting fat into muscle .. is only a rumor other in order to promote their products .. but you can work two steps separate .. burn fat and build muscle ... .. and you can not work with each other, but you must do one single.
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