Lovers bodybuilding accept to eat food supplements like protein powders
proteins-after exercise, so as to strengthen and nourish the muscles. However, German experts said that could be dispensed with and eat healthy food.
She stressed the German Society for Consumer in the state of Bavaria for the protection of, that this protein supplements manufactured is necessary to cover the needs of muscle protein, and can be compensated healthy food items, according to the site, "Hale Praxis Net" German.
The experts pointed out that the snacks such as fat-free, beans, yogurt, milk, meat contain enough protein components, and advised taking it because it is cheaper and covers the essential needs of the body of the protein, which is also healthy for muscle strengthening and building because they are normal.
She explained nutritionist from the German Society for Consumer Gisela Horlman to protect, that every kilogram of body weight of an adult person needs 0.8 grams of protein a day, but the real rate to the needs of the body of the protein is less.
She adds that this amount of protein that is needed by athletes who exercise two to three times a week.
Experts advised to eat protein after exercise, and this can be achieved by drinking a glass of skim milk mixed with cocoa powder, and milk can only be enough, or yogurt tray with a banana or a piece of cheese sandwich Cup.
Experts also pointed out that the powders manufactured proteins contain a proportion of sugar more than natural food.